Monetary Contributions
Membership Level
- Friends (under $100)
- Blue/White Club ($100 to $499)
- The Principal’s Club ($500 to $999)
- The Community Pillars ($1,000 to $2,499)
- The Commonwealth Avenue Society ($2,500 to $4,999)
- The 1914 Associates ($5,000 to $9,999)
- The Founders Society ($10,000 to $24,999)
- The Harriet Beecher Stowe Society ($25,000 to $49,999)
- Silver ($50,000 to $99,999)
- Gold ($100,000 to $249,999)
- Diamond ($250,000 to $999,999)
- Platinum ($1 Million or more)
Donations Under $100
Friends of Gary New Duluth, the St. Louis River Corridor and building strong communities.
- Jake Alvar
- Brady Anderson
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- In Memory of: Vincent Arezzo Sr.
- Nancy Arvidson
- Joe & Shirley Balach
- Therese Balach
- Steve & Marlene Balach
- Shotz Bar
- Jimmy’s Kitchen & Bar
- Mary & Dwight Barth
- Carol Barnstorf
- Mindy Baski
- Kevin & Kathy Behm
- Doug & Cheryl Belanger
- In Memory of: Clark Bennett
- John & Alice Berg
- Donna Bergstrom
- Donna Bewley
- David & Jill Blazevic
- Joe Blum
- James & Laura Booth
- Croy Boudreau
- Kyle Boyat
- Jake & Julien Bratek
- Jon Brostowitz
- Amy Buelow
- Florence Burger
- Terry Burger
- Christian Cairy
- In Memory of: Janet Elizabeth Calhoun
- Al & Yvonne Carl
- Laurie Casey
- Mike Sr. & Aurine Casey
- Michael Cheetham
- Al Chepelnik
- In Memory of: Nick Churchya
- Melissa Class
- Duluth Women’s Club
- In Memory of: Stephan Colich
- Penny & Michael Cragin
- In Memory of Bill Damkroeger
- Nancy & Alexander Darbut
- Maranda DeSanto
- Cole DiMeglio
- Sandy Dinehart
- Chuck & Cheri Duvall
- Brent Elling
- Heidi Envall
- Deanna Erickson
- In Honor of: Rendulich Family
- In Memory of: Stoyanoff Family
- In Memory of: Burger Family
- Sharon & Charles Fedora
- Anna Foster
- Agnes Galleberg
- In Memory of: Mary Giacominni
- Bob & Gayle Gilmore
- Regis Glumac
- David Grenwis
- Karen Griffith
- Jake Grondahl
- Mark & Jill Hakala
- William & Cheryl Hallamek
- Martha Han
- Richard Haney
- Carmen Hartley
- Parna: Life Source Energy Healing
- In Memory of: Hank Hinnenkamp
- In Memory of: Barbara Hossalla
- Tom & Marsha Hystad
- Brenda Jacobs
- Jimmy’s LLC
- Allen Johnson
- Sean Jones
- Evanna Judkins
- Nicola Jurich
- Jackson Karren
- Janet Kennedy
- Kristen Kimsey
- Stephen & Carol Kolberg
- Carroll Koliboski
- Jeanne Koneczny
- Josh Kosanovich
- Geraldine Kozloski
- In Memory of: Gina Kozul
- Pamela Kramer
- Jon & Patty Langlee
- Timothy Larson
- Evan Leebens
- Linda & Arthur Lezama
- In Honor Of: Mary Jo (Balach) Lund
- Denette Lynch
- North Point Realty LLC
- Jaki Majeski
- Brian & Karen McCormick
- Peter & Helen McDonnell
- Kathleen McKeever
- Karen Mell
- Ann Marie Menart
- Ann Menart
- Alyssa Mendo
- Anna Montgomery
- Carole Newkumet
- In Memory of: Cheryl Nickolett
- Richard & Claire Nordberg
- Millicent O’Connell
- Sam Odden
- Jon & Gail Ohman
- In Memory of: Roger Olson
- In Memory of: Paulette Ozzello
- Robert Paul
- In Memory of: Melody Paul
- Marilynn Pavlich
- Jim & Diane Petrich
- In Memory of: Theresa Petrich
- Kayla Petrich
- Weegie Poston
- Roberta & Wayne Prince
- Mark Privratsky
- Sherri Puckett
- Donna Puhl
- Joanne Regan
- Cliff & Nancy Regan
- John & Barbara Rodberg
- Dave Geary & Deanne Roquet
- Kyle Roth
- Anna Rozova
- In Memory of: Sheila Samarzia
- In Memory of: Georgeann Sams
- Melody Schneider
- John Schneider
- Jack Schuster
- In Memory of: Ron Seguin
- Charles & Barbara Seipp
- Diane Skomars
- Brenda Skorich
- Slovenian Union of America
- Trevor J. Smith
- Glen & Mary Jane Sorenson
- Jack Spaeth
- In Memory of: James Spallacci
- Vera Stephenson
- John Stites
- In Memory of: Milan Stojevich
- In Honor of: Jeanie Stojevich
- In Memory of: John Stojevich
- Helen Stojevich
- In Memory of: Murial Kay Strand
- In Memory of: Rolle Strand
- Barbara Suliin
- John Susnik
- James & Doris Thorsen
- Terese Tomanek
- In Memory of: John Stojevich & Sons: Tony, John Jr & Bobby
- Ray & Sonja Ulvi
- Lisa Van Doren
- David von Edeskuty
- Edna & John Weber
- Pat Whalen
- Patricia & Vee Whalen
- Mary White
- Evelyn Wietman
- Claudia Wilson
- Mandi Wojciehowski
- Wyatt Zulkosky
The Blue / White Club
Donations from $100 to $499
Blue & White are the colors of the Stowe Bulldogs. Did you know that Stowe once went from K through the 9th grade? The Bulldogs played against other junior high schools in the city.
- In Memory of: Madelyne Abbott
- Morgan Park High School Class of 1965
- Cub Scout Pack #3013
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- In Memory of: Santo J. Antonutti
- Lana Joy Balach
- In Honor of: Joanie Balach
- Robert Balach
- Steve Balach Jr.
- In Honor of: Steve Balach Jr.
- Mary & Dwight Barth
- Kevin & Kathy Behm
- Bradley Bennett
- Douglas & Beverly Bennett
- Clark & Patty Bennett
- James Bennett
- In Memory of: Ron Benson
- In Memory of: Mary Ann Berg
- Kathleen Bergen
- Thomas Bergum
- Andrew Bernstein
- In Memory of: Donna Bewley
- In Honor of: Frank Bucar, Barb Bucar & Brenda Jacobs
- Continental Ski & Bike, Inc.
- Craig Binsfield
- Dave & Jill Blazevic Family
- In Honor of: Mark & Linda Boben
- In Memory of: Stanley & Ruth Boben
- In Honor of: Linda Boben
- Pamela Boben
- Kelly & David Bolgrien
- Rebecca Bosanko
- Patrice Bradley
- In Memory of: Bob Brophy
- In Memory of: Dorothy Bubacz
- Dorothy Bubacz
- Leslie & Frank Bucar
- In Memory of: Buddy
- Ken Buehler
- James Caesar
- River Place Campground
- Jennifer Carey
- John & Tracey Carey
- Mike Jr. & Laurie Casey
- Charities Aid Foundation America
- St. George Orthodox Church
- Alison Clarke
- Western Area Business & Civic Club
- Fond du Lac Community Club
- Fond Du Lac Community Club
- Eugene Collard
- In Honor of: The Children of Our Community
- Gartner Refrigeration Company
- Andren Paint Company
- Lee Conradi
- Kermit & Marilyn Cook
- In Memory of Bill Damkroeger
- Mark Danielson
- Cheryl Danielson
- Nancy & Alexander Darbut
- Marlene David
- Darilyn J. Davis
- Al & Susie Decker
- Douglas Delaney
- Brenda S. Denton (Denton Law Office)
- In Memory of: Dolores Dincau
- Michael & Tanya Dmowski
- Tutoring Duluth/Deb Dwyer
- Ruth Ann Eaton
- In Memory of: Dr. Mark Eckman
- Gary & Kathleen Eisenbach
- Maxwell Elfelt
- David Emery
- Husky Energy
- Melissa Engebretson
- Patricia Erickson
- Essentia Health
- H&H Export, Inc.
- Nassin Family
- Steve Letica Family
- Suzy Fairchild
- Brenda Fife
- Kelly Finnegan
- In Honor of Barbara & Dick Fischer
- In Memory of: Joseph Floreano
- John & Julie Foucault
- William & Donna Froseth
- Tyrone & Sharon Frost
- Eric Gibson
- Dan & Sue Gigliotti
- In Memory of: Tom Gillen
- Robert & Karen Glowacki
- Regis Glumac
- Andrew & Molly Goldfine
- In Memory of: Beverly Goldfine
- Beverly Goldfine
- In Memory of: John Mestnick Grassinger
- Wilheim & Jennifer Grau
- William & Barbara Gravelle
- In Memory of Steve (Stojan) Griak
- Lorrie (Nordberg) Griffin
- Edwin & Sherry Hall
- Timothy Hamman
- Carmen Hartley
- Roger Hartley
- Michael & Liz Henderson
- Charlie & Beatrice Herman
- In Memory of: Charlie Herman
- In Memory of: Richard Hoffman
- Joan & Justin Hoffmann
- George Host
- Young & Associates Agency Inc.
- Joe & Alice Janchar
- In Memory of: Joe Janchar
- In Memory of: Larry Johnson
- Ken & Norma Johnson
- In Memory of: Agnes Jones
- Roxanne Kaldor
- Crystal Kirchner
- Rosemary Kosevich
- Roger Laaksonen
- In Memory of: Ernie & Martha Laine
- Spirit Lake Development /
- In Memory of: Jimmy Lane
- In Honor of: Eileen Langlee
- Michelle Lebeau
- Ann Lewis
- Brian & Sue Liberty
- Jacob Lindquist
- In Memory of: Patt & Otto Macor
- Duluth Brass Manufacturing
- In Memory Of: Bob Marnich
- Dan & Joanne Marnich
- Darrell Martin
- Renee Mattson
- Kevin & Shirley McConnell
- William & Deborah McCormick Jr.
- Bill & Gay Vaughn McEwen
- In Memory of: Mark Medved
- In Memory of: Sharon Medved
- Patty Mester
- Lizette Miller
- In Memory of: Patricia M. Modeen
- Paul & Patricia Modeen
- Kim & Mike Monson
- In Honor Of: Jim Morris
- Scott Morris
- John Morrison
- In Memory of: Frank & Betty Mrak
- Florence Nasti
- Chris & Judy Nelson
- Robert Nordberg
- Richard & Claire Nordberg
- Alice Nordin
- Millicent O’Connell
- Peter & Maureen Olson
- Thomas & Carol Ornell
- Jo-Ann Pasek
- Marilynn Pavlich
- Michael & Mary Pavlovich
- Kelly Pelto
- Mary Petrich
- In Memory of: Thanie Petrich
- In Honor of: Mary Petrich
- Jerry Pfeffer
- Max Caven Photography
- Denny & Pat Picconatto
- Amy Rahja
- Joy Rasmussen
- William Reichelt
- Jack Rendulich
- Tom & Kim Rendulich
- In Honor of: Helen Rizzi
- In Memory of: Ray D. Rizzi
- Henry & Terry Roberts
- John & Barb Rodberg
- Michael Rosa
- In Memory of: Neale Roth
- In Memory of: Sophia & Anton Rubin (Rubcic)
- In Memory of: Ray Rybos Sr.
- Susan & Raymond Rybos
- In Memory of: Ray Rybos Sr. & Ray Rybos Jr.
- Holly C. Sampson
- Terry Sanders
- Ryan & Jackie Sather
- Elizabeth Sawyer
- Terri Seiler
- Shamrock Trucking LLC
- Cliff & Barb Sherer
- Joe Sigler
- Mark & Sandra Signorelli
- John & Judy Smolnikar
- Elizabeth M. George & Dale D. Sola
- Donald Solwold
- In Memory of Vince Spallacci
- In Memory of: Nick Srdar
- John & Jeanie Stark
- Peter & Darlene Staudohar
- Charlie Stauduhar
- Mark & Patti Stenhammer
- In Memory of: David Stojevich
- David Stojevich
- Helen Stojevich
- In Honor of: Helen Stojevich
- John & Pauline Stojevich
- Patricia Stojevich
- In Honor of: Polly Stojevich
- Carolyn Sundquist
- Janice Swanson
- In Memory of: Agnes Turk
- Marilyn Tygart
- Raymond & Sonja Ulvi
- Lori Ulvi
- Bob & Jean Vanderport
- Steven Veit
- Robert Verzich
- Kevin Walli
- In Memory of: Anna Mae Westerlund
- Lawrence Wietman, Jr.
- Jim Filby Williams
- Whole Foods CO-OP
- Kristin Yapel
- Geiger L. Yount
- Sam & Beverly Zikovich
- Elliot Zunich
The Principal’s Club
Donations from $500 to $999
Blue & White are the colors of the Stowe Bulldogs. Did you know that Stowe once went from K through the 9th grade? The Bulldogs played against other junior high schools in the city.
- Helene K. Abbott
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Joanie Balach
- Western Bank
- Tanya Beckwith
- Yvonne Rizzi-Belich
- Tom Bell
- Donna Benson
- Lyle & Lynn Bergal
- In Memory of: Robert C. Brown
- Robert & Faith Bubalo
- Laura S. Budd
- In Memory of: Jerry Cran
- Northern Orthotic & Prosthetic Center
- Morgan Park Community Club
- Kraus-Anderson Construction Company
- Marine Iron & Ship Building Company
- Jerry & Bev Cran
- In Memory of: Renee Doble
- Dick Dragovich
- Dolores “Dolly” Dutmer
- Puglisi Gun Emporium
- Adolphson Real Estate
- Lawrence Sever Family
- Riverfront Community Fund
- Tony Gigliotti Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Bill Glowacki
- Joyce Goldberg
- Rotary Club of Duluth Harbortown
- Dougherty Funeral Home
- Robert & Michele Howard
- Larry & Jeanne Ivanovich
- Debbie Inwood
- Dale M. Johnson
- Dale & Paul Johnson’s “Iron Mug Coffee & Ale House”
- South Pier Inn
- Helena Jackson
- Peter & Tracey Kolar
- John Lawien
- Gordon Marinkovich
- Tyler McDonald
- Larry & Maureen McGough
- James & Teresa Menart
- Frank & Deb Messina
- John & Patricia Miller
- In Memory of: Richard & Claire Nordberg
- Ted & Rae Ann Pavlovich
- In Memory of: Rachelle Peterson
- Yvonne Puhl
- Jim & Heath Ransom
- Dick & Nancy Richie
- Shotz Bar / Kathleen Rose
- In Honor of: Pam & Neale Roth
- Mark & Nancy Rubin
- Carrie Schoen & Danyll Foix
- In Memory of: Bruno Seppi
- In Memory of: Susan Skull
- Jerry & Carol Smith
- Amanda Soberg
- Louis & Pat St. George
- St. Louis County Historical Society
- Richard Turchi
- Karen Turnboom
- Mike & Kathy Tusken
- In Memory of: Raymond Ulvi
- Marcella Vaydich
- Ted & Beverly Wenum
The Community Pillars
Donations from $1,000 to $2,499
The Community has had many citizens over the years who have stepped up and been leaders. Who do you remember?
- Les & Rosie Adolphson
- Jan Akervik
- David & Judith Arvold
- Deanna Bennett Real Estate Team
- Susan Coen / State Farm Agency
- Nick Alworth
- Real Living / Messina & Associates
- Irving Community Association
- Daniel Lambi Balach
- George Balach
- In Memory of: Robert Balach
- In Memory of: Shirley Balach
- Bell Bank
- Robert Berg
- DAMAGE Boardshop
- Allen Boben
- In Memory of: Edward & Helen Boben
- In Memory of: John & Frances Boben
- In Memory of: Pamela Boben
- In Memory of: Norman Bourestom
- Judge David & Gloria Bouschor
- In Memory of: Mary Ann Boyat
- In Memory of: Robert Boyat
- Mary Ann Boyat
- In Memory of: Dan Bubalo
- Barb Bucar
- Frank & Sharon Bucar
- Tracy & Kay Burger
- Gloria Desmedt
- Bill & Connie Dinan
- Robert & Linda Espenson
- Gregory & Sheila Fox
- Bill & Lynn Gigliotti
- Richard F. Gillen
- Dave Goldberg Family
- Walt & Kay Gower
- In Memory of: Hugo & Pearl Hansen Family
- In Memory of: Charlie & Bea Herman
- Don Joe
- Tony & Lois Kochevar
- Robert E. & Jacquelyn Larsen
- Marty Larsen
- In Memory of: The Letica Family
- In Memory of: Sandy Lewis
- Lion’s Club
- KSKJ Life
- St. Luke’s
- Robert W. & Mary Jo (Balach) Lund
- Robert & Marilyn Maas
- David Updergraff & Lynn MacLean
- Maurices
- Bob & Diane Meierhoff
- Robert Meierhoff
- Sam Miscevich
- James & Frances Morris
- Gilbert (Pete) & Janice Nelson
- North Shore Bank
- Mary Olin
- Park State Bank
- In Memory of: Bertha Panyan
- In Memory of: Mary Petrich
- Police Service Dogs, Inc.
- Port City Collective
- Mont du Lac Resort
- Neale & Pam Roth
- In Memory of: Kenneth Schoen
- Jack & Cindy (Macor) Seiler
- Joe & Ryann Signorelli
- Mitchell & Elva Sill
- John & Barbara Skull
- John & Judy Smolnikar
- A. W. Kuettel & Sons, Inc.
- In Memory of: William M. & Suntina T. Spehar
- In Memory of: David Stojevich
- Korner Store
- Dale & Stefani Summerlin
- Mars Supply
- In Memory of: Ronald J. Soberg
- Teburg Family Foundation
- Roland Thomas
- Kenneth & Jeanette Turnboom
- In Memory of: Raymond Ulvi
- Dr. Scott & Dana Varland
- In Memory of: John Vekich
- Walmart
- Steve & Nancy Waters
- N. Dale Weller
- West Duluth American Legion Post No. 71
The Commonwealth Avenue Society
Donations from $2,500 to $4,999
Commonwealth Avenue is the main street through Gary-New Duluth.
- John T. & Elizabeth T. Adams Art Fund of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- In Memory of: Joe Balach
- In Memory of: Steve Balach
- In Honor of: Mark Boben
- In Memory of: Peter Ceskic
- Darrill & Rita Erickson
- Richard & Barbara Fischer
- IKONICS Corporation
- Rotary Club 25 of Duluth
- Lahti Foundation
- Gary-New Duluth Community Club
- Ted & Carol Griak
- Clyde & Julie Johnson
- In Memory of: Jack E. Johnson
- Stephen & Marcia Johnson
- Elaine Killen
- Dick Forbort Trojan Legacy
- North Star Credit Union
- Duluth Dog Parks
- In Memory of: Joe Petrovich
- John & Linda Puglisi
- Lake Superior Area REALTORS®, Inc.
- Helen Rizzi
- Mark & Gail Smithson
- In Memory of: Joe & Helen Stojevich
- Phillip H. & Barbara Strom Family Charitable Fund
- Buffalo House / Scott Stoyanoff
- Ann Glumac & Bill Ulland
The 1914 Associates
Donations from $5,000 to $9,999
1914 was the date the second Stowe School was built. Did you know that the first was built on 97th and McKuen Street?
- Ronald & Margaret Boben
- Ted & Gretchen Bogich
- BRETMIN Charitable Foundation
- Debra Cervenka
- The JAMAR Company
- Harold & Ruth Frederick
- Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund
- Essentia Health Community Giving
- Bill & Kisty Haller
- Mike & Mary & Ives
- Darrel & Yvette Johnson
- Dale Lewis
- In Memory of: James Morris
- Pier B Resort
- Larry & Donna Pulkrabek Foundation
- RBC Wealth Management
- Kenneth & Concetta Schoen
- U.S. Bank Foundation
- Wells Fargo Foundation
The Founders Society
Donations from $10,000 to $24,999
Join the group to make The GARY REC the center of the community and the St. Louis River Corridor!
- Anonymous
- Bernick Family Foundation
- ConocoPhillips
- VONCO V Duluth
- Enbridge
- George & Elizabeth Goldfarb Family Foundation
- Lakehead Constructors Inc.
- Violet Letica
- St. Louis County Attorney’s Office
- Community Parks & Recreation
- Kenneth Schoen
- John Vekich
The Harriet Beecher Stowe Society
Donations from $25,000 to $49,999
Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) published more than 30 books, but it was her best-selling anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin that catapulted her to international celebrity and secured her place in history.
- Arrowhead Youth Soccer Association
- Gary & Kathleen Bubalo
- M E Global
- Darrel D. Johnson Excavating LLC
- Kraus Anderson Foundation
- Al & Erika Hodnik
- Cheryl & Joe Meese
- In Memory of: Joseph Meese
- Minnesota Power Foundation
- Jeff & Jill Widness / HMI
Donations from $50,000 to $99,999
The following people or companies are Silver Donors:
- Mark & Linda Boben
- Northland Foundation
- U.S. Bank Foundation / Minnesota Vikings
Donations from $100,000 to $249,999
The following people or companies are Gold Donors:
- Vintage Acres
- Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation
- DNR – STAR Grant & Coastal Program Grant
- Canadian National Railroad
Donations from $250,000 to $999,999
The following people or companies are Diamond Donors:
- City of Duluth
Donations of $1 Million or more
Be the first Platinum Donor!