It was another fun week at camp!
The week of July 17th, the kids learned about how to identify insects, helpful and harmful insects in our garden, and different insect habitats. They also got to earn a candy prize during ‘Insect Bingo’. Our ‘Bug Scavenger Hunt’ through the woods was quite the adventure on Thursday! We found dragonflies and a large friendly beetle that the kids nicknamed “Doug.”
New forts and tribes were started in the woods. The ‘Bean Club’ worked together to lever rocks out of the ground to make fire rings in their fort. The ‘Dragon Tribe’ pulled a 30ft dead tree over to their fort and worked on breaking it into pieces they could reinforce their fort with. The newly founded ‘Dragon Cats’ group started building a new fort together and digging a fire pit. A very fun week in the woods!
Below are links to YMCA and GND Rec Facebook pages if you would like more information about events at the Rec or other YMCA programs:
GND Rec: https://www.facebook.com/gndcommunity/
Community Services: https://www.facebook.com/communityservicesbranch
Day Camp: https://www.facebook.com/DuluthYMCADayCamp
KEY Zone: https://www.facebook.com/keyzoneduluth
Hope to see you at camp next week!